IrcamLAB release TS2 version 2.2

May 11, 2021 by harry Permalink

ircamLAB announce TS2 version 2.2; a major feature and compatibility update to the release of audio editing / time stretch application TS2. On promo through May 2021 at Only $99 (List $249).

Previous owners of the TS software can upgrade for FREE by simply downloading the latest version from the ircamLAB download portal.

IrcamLAB TS2 sets the new standard in digital audio editing as powerful audio toolbox application.

Professionals can edit, transform, time-stretch and manipulate audio files - now with multichannel files up-to 256 channels (5.1, 7.1, etc).

Also new to version 2.2 is, the Spectral Clipping creative effect...

Spectral clipping is a dynamic filtering effect that performs an energy clipping process on the signal, retaining the spectral component corresponding to a specified energy range. This energy range is defined by a minimum and a maximum value in decibels.

Any spectral component with an energy below the minimum threshold is muted and the energy of the spectral components is clipped by the maximum threshold.

The spectral clipping effect is a creative tool, between a distortion and a musical filter effect. Experimentation is a good way to discover the new sonic territories offered by this process (for example; on drums, guitars, vocals, etc).

IrcamLAB release a major update to TS2 v2.1.3

Sep 15, 2020 by harry Permalink

IrcamLAB proudly announce a major update for their audio editing / time stretch application TS2.

The new TS2 is loaded with many useful enhancements asked for by users and bug fixes to improve the quality of numerous aspects of the software. See the change log.

Previous owners of the TS software can of course still upgrade for FREE by simply downloading the latest version.

To celebrate the arrival of this new version, TS2 is on promotion at $49 (list $199).

TS2 $29 Promo Extended...

Jul 17, 2020 by Ashley Smith Permalink

Hi everyone!

Based on the great feedback from our launch and your many requests, we've decided to extend the TS2 $29 promo, but only, Until Sunday August 2nd, 2020.

So, check it out, download the demo... and head to the store to purchase at this great deal before it ends!

TS2 updated to version 2.1.1

Jul 9, 2020 by Ashley Smith Permalink

Everyone in the audio community has been raving about our new ircamLAB TS2. Have you tried it? Version 2.1.1 is out now.

TS2 has been receiving high-profile reviews and amazing user feedback, just like this from Jean Alain Roussel (Keyboardist - The Police, Céline Dion, Bob Marley)...

"Your ears will tell you STRAIGHT AWAY ~> this is the finest and most faithful 'TIME STRETCH' programme available at this time, to all seeking to manipulate audio files... and great user-friendly interface, too..."

Jean Alain ROUSSEL
Composer, Arranger, Keyboardist, Producer

TS2 is on promo at only $29 bucks, ending this Sunday July 12th!

Have any comments or feature requests? Head on over to our forums here..

IrcamLAB TS2 is Available Now

Jun 30, 2020 by Ashley Smith Permalink

Today, we’re super excited to announce the release of "TS2", a major upgrade to our acclaimed TS application.

TS2 is available from today, at the introductory price of "Only $29" (List price $199) through July 12th at the store.

TS2 sets a new standard in digital audio editing. It is a powerful audio toolbox application for all professionals to edit, or magically transform, time-stretch and manipulate audio files.

The new TS2 is now a full mono/stereo audio editor. It can edit multiple audio regions in a variety of support formats (Copy, Cut, Paste, Shuffle), transpose, "Transient Design", and offers remix, extensive mastering capabilities and much more with unprecedented accuracy!

TS2 now also supports the hosting of 3rd party external VST2/VST3/AU effects from 3rd party plug-in manufacturers.

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